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the ranch powerlifting club

About the club

Max is the head coach of the Lake Mills Powerlifting Club, co-founded by LMHS student, David Klein, during the 2018-2019 school year. The sport of powerlifting is similar to olympic weightlifting, but instead of the clean and jerk & the snatch, the exercises being judged are the squat, bench press, and deadlift, respectively. A core focus of The Ranch Personal Training is to empower people of all ages to realize their strength; the sport of powerlifting embodies this goal.

2021-2022 Season

After the successful introductory year, the team grew two-fold from its first to its second year. We also had 8 kids qualify for the Wisconsin High School State Meet, and all 8 also qualified for Nationals! There is nothing I have ever enjoyed more than coaching (and participating in) the sport of powerlifting. If you're interested in getting a start in powerlifting, reach out to The Ranch Personal Training today!

Subscribe Form

(608) 655 - 8118

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